Monday, May 24, 2010

Michael Irvin expressed understanding words to Big Ben

The Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger is now in embarrassing situation as many people criticized him for his inappropriate behavior off the field, however, to his gratitude, Pro Football Hall of Famer Michael Irvin is one of the few guys still standing on his side.

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As a former star wide receiver for the Dallas Cowboys, Irvin recently said that he understood what Roethlisberger had been feeling since getting involved into a streak of rape charges. Although Roethlisberger eventually avoided the charges and is still eligible to continue with his stellar life, criticism just keeps coming out to point him as a rapist. His starting job with the Steelers is also in risk as the team’s fame has also been affected by his lawsuits. Irvin had similar experience with Roethlisberger and it’s just reasonable for him to show understanding.

Irvin was alleged to have sexual assaults for several times after taking off his Michael Irvin jersey to retire from the league. Although charges eventually were not filed, his fame has been damaged as there are always some people believing such reports. By saying that he was on Roethlisberger’s side, Irvin sent encouraging message to the young quarterback that he would anyway survive all the difficult times.

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